[Podcast] Behaviour Changes (ABC) – Ep 2 Supercharge your business

February 16, 2022 | Peter Cronin

Available on: Apple | Spotify | Podbean

This is episode 2 of our Behaviour Change (ABC) mini-series. In this episode the two Peter’s talk to Craig Chilcott about the massive changes that occurred in his business after he learned about ABC. There are some great stories in this episode that demonstrate the power of the tool. Beyond the tool, the team dives into a lot of great leadership and management skills that I think many listeners would benefit greatly from!

“My best year was $2million, once I went to behaviours, to ABC, $10million” – Craig Chilcott

If you would like to learn more about ABC, maybe even do a course on how to apply the tools talked about in this episode, don’t hesitate to get in touch!