[Podcast] The Fishbone Method Review

November 16, 2022 | Peter Cronin

Available on: Apple | Spotify | Podbean

This week Peter and Mirta discuss the Fishbone Method or Diagram.

Fishbone Method is the 5 Whys on steroids!

The method represents the problem as the head of the fish, with the many different possible causes of the problem as the spine of the fish.

Much like the 5 Whys, the Fishbone Method is very user-friendly: when a problem occurs, you identify the major categories of causes of the problem, list all the possible sub-causes, and then drill into each one by asking “Why does this happen?” to uncover deeper levels of causes.

Listen to this episode to find out the benefits, the drawbacks, and some tips and tricks about some ways that you can effectively use the Fishbone Method in your own problem-solving situations.

The hosts also love to hear any feedback or answer questions you may have, so feel free to send them a message at peter.cronin@viago.com.au or mirta@viago.co.nz!